Monday, November 15, 2010

A New Life for Old Gippstown

At the Hold Hands for Gippstown rally on Sunday the Greens candidate for Narracan, Belinda Rogers, congratulated the Old Gippstown Committee of Management on their visionary plan for the future.

“It would be a major loss to Moe and its community if Gippstown did not receive appropriate government funding, now and into the future as it moves towards both environmental and economic sustainability,” Ms Rogers said.

“The objectives put forward by the Old Gippstown committee to make it a sustainability hub is a wonderful initiative which the Greens would be delighted to support,” added Samantha Dunn, Upper House candidate for Greens in Eastern Victoria.

“Making use of the existing windmill and waterwheel, introducing a solar system and wind turbine, upgrading the use of the waste management system with composting, a worm farm, chicken feeding, the recycling of glass, aluminium and cardboard and expanding their vegetable garden into other forms of planting as well can only be a positive thing, not only for Gippstown but the wider Moe community,” Ms Dunn said.

“Greens policy states very clearly that our cultural heritage has value to all Victorians as it provides a unique way to understand our history; the changes that have occurred over time and the contribution that earlier generations have made to our culture. This really sums up what Old Gippstown has been, is currently and most importantly what it wants to be into the future,” said Belinda Rogers.

Samantha Dunn, the Greens Upper House candidate, and myself will do more than merely Hold Hands for Gippstown. We will fight for the commitment from Government to ensure this vision achieves reality,” said Belinda Rogers.

Further information:

Belinda Rogers 0427 924 013 or
or Samantha Dunn 0429 29 29 04 or

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