Friday, July 30, 2010

record investment in solar? record rate of pulling money out of solar!

Greens Senator Christine Milne

Far from their advertising slogan of 'record investments in solar and other renewables', the Labor government is pulling money out of solar power at a record rate, the Australian Greens said today.

In addition to the $220 million pulled out of the Solar Flagships program and $150 million from solar hot water rebates to fund cash for clunkers, the Greens have learned that the world renowned UNSW Centre for Excellence in Photovoltaic Research has been de-funded.

At the same time, the Liberals are proposing cuts to climate programs as part of their savings initiatives, leaving the Greens as the only party with credible policies for climate action.

"The government is cynically using Australians' love of solar power as an advertising slogan while ripping money out of what little funding programs they have," Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.

"After three years of ALP government, the Australian renewable energy industry is still struggling to compete with entrenched coal while, around the world, renewables are booming.

"The renewable energy industry has lost count of the number of times new programs have been announced and suddenly disappeared, to be replaced with new labels which still don't receive the funding promised.

"The uncertainty this causes means investment has stalled, and jobs and opportunities lost.

"The UNSW Centre for Excellence is celebrated around the world for its innovation. It trained the world's first solar billionaire, Dr Zhengrong Shi.

"But with renewable energy clearly such a low priority for both the government and opposition, there is no direct funding of the centre and the ongoing research funding has not been renewed.

"Australian governments have repeatedly made millions available to coal companies and car companies. Why are they so reluctant to actually properly fund world-leading renewable energy innovation, even though they are happy to claim credit for doing so?

"The Centre for Excellence is an investment of a few million dollars a year to create some 70 jobs, a great global reputation and, of course, wonderful technologies that will help us tackle the climate crisis.

"The Greens are the only party that has the vision to take Australia beyond coal, looking to plan the transition to 100% renewable energy and implement the policies to get us there."

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