Sunday, May 2, 2010

getting greener

Yesterday was an opportunity to fly the Greens flag at the Going Green expo at Jeff's Shed in Melbourne. Greens candidates were out in force to talk to people about all things Green.

One of the subjects that came up often was the Rudd Government's flawed and now shelved Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. People were curious to know why the Greens wouldn't support the emissions trading scheme, a scheme that would lock our country into a high polluting future, cost tax payers dearly and reward those who pollute the most.

Even more were curious to understand why the Rudd government won't negotiate with the Greens to establish a carbon levy.

Pictured left to right: Mark Riley – Greens Candidate for Wills, Samantha Dunn – Greens Candidate for Eastern Victoria and Colin Long – Greens Candidate for Eastern Metropolitan.

A recent Galaxy poll shows 72% of Australians want the government to negotiate with the Greens on a carbon levy. The Greens carbon levy, adapted from Professor Garnaut's proposal, is the best option to start some serious action on climate change.

The levy would ensure that the biggest polluters pay for climate pollution. We can't afford to delay action on climate change and the Greens have the way forward. It's time for the government to act in good faith on behalf of the people and negotiate with the Greens.

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