Why vote Green in the Victorian election?
Here’s why. And if you like the answers, or this video which explains The Greens’ vision for Victoria, pass them on – because you’re far more influential among your friends, family and colleagues than any amount of political advertising.
Top 10 Reasons to Vote Green in the Victorian Election
1. The Greens stand up for what’s right, not just what’s easy. Whether it’s protecting our environment, introducing universal dental care or advocating for better education for all, The Greens are driven by values, not polls.
2. It’s the party changing Australian politics. The Greens are the third largest and fastest growing political party in Victoria. Last federal election, 1 in 7 Victorians voted Green. This election, the Greens are poised to win our first lower house seats in the Victorian Parliament, and double the Greens representation in the Victorian upper house.
3. For public transport that comes when you need it. The Greens will deliver a system that takes you where you want to go, when you want to go. This means more frequent trains and trams to cut overcrowding, all night services from entertainment areas, and buses that connect to trains. The Greens will establish a single public transport authority to connect transport across the whole state.
4. Provide future generations with clean water. It’s about having the political will and vision to better manage the water we have. The Greens will focus on securing Victoria’s precious water supplies through better capture and treatment of rainwater, protecting our catchments and improving water efficiency standards.
5. To tackle climate change and reduce pollution. The Greens want a price on carbon pollution and investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency for a strong, sustainable economy. The Greens also want to ensure jobs, by supporting re-training programs for Victorian workers moving from coal power stations like Hazelwood, to new industries like manufacturing wind turbines.
6. For better schools. For years, Victoria has spent less on school education than any other state in Australia. The Greens will introduce two years of free publicly-funded kindergarten. We’ll also invest properly in our State’s education from pre-school to university – reducing class sizes and TAFE fees.
7. For a focus on preventative health, better mental health services, and shorter wait times. The Greens understand that healthcare is about more than just hospitals. We prioritise funding for preventative healthcare and early intervention mental healthcare.
8. The Greens have vision. Bob Brown first spoke to the Senate about climate change 14 years ago, well before it became the world's most talked about issue. During Bob's speech, his Labor and Liberal colleagues actually laughed. Today, they are following his lead. In Victoria and around Australia, The Greens focus on what’s right for the next generation, not just what's popular for the next election cycle.
9. For a more powerful vote. Your vote for The Greens is a powerful one. Just look at what has been achieved in the last few months since Adam Bandt has sat in the lower house in Canberra. Now imagine the difference The Greens in the Victorian lower house could make.
10. Because politics can be different. The issues that matter need a lot more of ‘yes’, not more of the familiar ‘no.’ The Greens are about solutions, not just problems and factional party politics.
Together, we can let everyone know that this state election the voters of Victoria do have a choice. Please forward this email, and check out our video which briefly explains The Greens’ vision for Victoria.